My Story

alejandra rosado saad

Born in Mexico City, daughter of Raquel Saad González y Juan José Rosado Camarena.


At age 14 she moves to California to study English, then returns to Mexico City to study Marketing.


At the age of 28, she left the big city and headed south in search of her purpose, arriving then in Playa del Carmen in the year 2005, a place she called home for the next 11 years.


Her time in the Mexican Caribean held many initiations in her life, during this time she got in touch with the bottom of the ocean, and became a diver.  She worked as an underwater videographer, while at the same time pursuing her life as an independent artist.


In 2008 her life took a radical turn after a car accident that left her unable to walk for almost two years. It was at this point that the memory of her artistic lineage led her to create art. The art that would become her medicine and her way of channelling pain, creating works to heal her soul.


2010 led her to the path of the ancient wisdom and earth medicine that she still walks today.  She also encountered her love partner, the reconnection with her mother and the good news that it was possible to heal the footprints left by the accident. That same year she returned to Mexico City to undergo spinal surgery, which was a success! She was able to walk again painfree, 6 years later she moved to Switzerland, where she lives today. And to this day she is deeply grateful to life for all its wonders and all its blessings.


Immersing herself in the traditional ancient ways of the Mexican Culture, she discovered what would become her way of sharing her vision of life with the world. Thus Alas de Sirena (mermaid wings) became what she calls Medicine Art  her unconditional companion.

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  • #1

    Kat Sonya (Friday, 10 May 2024 17:14)

    Hi dear Alajandra,

    It is a pleasure to get in touch with you.
    My name is Kat, I came across your healing art work online and feel such a light emanating from you!
    I can feel how you do everything wholeheartedly.
    Thanks for sharing with sisters and helping them with such great tools and experiences!

    I am part of a global charity sisterhood called Feminine Arts that has been traveling to gather ancient feminine knowledge based on cosmic laws around the world.
    The practices we bring have really helped me and hundreds of women to become healthier, happier and more fulfilled.

    I would love to know if you would be willing to help organize or are interested to join an event for women's communities? Do you have some time to speak?

    We really believe that it is time to help our planet and families and together we are stronger ❤️

    Wishing you a blissful day, thanks for your time and I hope we can connect. �